Not only that, but we were also promised the return of Han Solo, Princess Leia, Chewbacca, and of course - Luke Skywalker! I still remember the excitement of that first teaser trailer and replaying it over and over again. We had a new galactic supervillain with The First Order led by the crossguard lightsaber-wielding Kylo Ren. We had a trio of new characters with Poe Dameron, Finn, and a new Jedi apprentice Rey. After the bloated CGI of the Prequel Trilogy, The Force Awakens was the first film in decades that actually looked and felt like it belonged in the galaxy far far away. Abrams, producer Kathleen Kennedy, and the entire Disney mega marketing machine.

Episode VII: The Force Awakens promised a new and exciting George-free adventure under the watchful eye of writer/director J.J. After Lucas unleashed his "Special Editions" of the Original Trilogy, two mediocre films with one halfway decent entry to round out the often problematic Prequel Trilogy, the world was ready for a new Star Wars adventure something that felt like what fans originally experienced decades ago in theaters.