Macbeth already executed the guards who are thought to be the murderers. (3) Lennox and Macduff (both Scottish noble men) come to Glamis castle. She tells Macbeth to wash his hands and brings back the dagger so that everybody will suspect the guards of being the murderers. (2) In contrast to her husband being totally distraught after the murder, Lady Macbeth has already planned their further strategy.

He is so nervous that he has the imagination of a dagger floating in front of him. (1) After a short conversation with Banquo about the three witches, Macbeth waits alone for the right moment to murder Duncan. He realizes that there is no reason for killing his king despite his ambition and when Lady Macbeth enters the room, he has made up his mind not to kill Duncan, but she finally persuades him to convict the murder. (7) After the dinner, Macbeth thinks about the murder seriously for the first time. They are going to be Macbeth’s guests for one night. (6) Duncan and his attendants come to Glamis Castle. She is going to earch his ambition and therefore calls evil spirits to help her to become cruel and cold.

She thinks that her husband is too honourable and softhearted to commit a murder. (5) Lady Macbeth reads a letter sent to her by Macbeth wherein he tells her about the Macbeth realizes that there will be obstacles on his way to the crown and he decides to take action. Duncan declares that after his death his son Malcolm should be king. (4) Macbeth and Banquo arrive at the king’s castle. Therefore Macbeth’s trust in the witches’ prediction grows. Two messengers come and announce that Macbeth was appointed Thane of Cawdor. Banquo is amused about the three women, but Macbeth takes it more serious and the plans for the murder of Duncan are already on his mind. Going to become the Thane of Cawdor and the king of Scotland and that Banquo’s offspring are going to be kings as well.

(3) Macbeth and his friend Banquo meet the three witches. (2) To honour their brave fighting in a battle against Norway, Duncan, the king of Scotland, gives Macbeth the titel „Thane of Cawdor”. (1) The three witches meet and discuss when they are going to meet Macbeth.