The manufacturer of the IntelliJ IDEA is JetBrains.Licence Conditions FAQ Are licences perpetual?

This license is an upgrade (update) from the previous version of IntelliJ IDEA Personal - for single developers.

IntelliJ IDEA provides a complete set of supported languages, with refactoring features: ActionScript, PHP, Groovy, Scala, Python/Jython, Ruby/JRuby, Clojure.IntelliJ IDEA simplifies WEB development with an intelligent editor for HTML, JavaScript, CoffeeScript, CSS, integration with template engines.IntelliJ IDEA supports enterprise class technologies including Java EE, Spring, GWT, Struts, Play, Hibernate, Google App Engine, OSGi and others.

IntelliJ IDEA is a fully equipped development environment (JAVA IDE) - with a set of tools and integration with the most important modern technologies and frameworks, such as Spring and Hibernate - necessary for effective Web and Java EE development. Packed with innovative features, IntelliJ IDEA frees the programmer from many time-consuming tasks, significantly increasing the quality and speed of software development. License for IntelliJ IDEA (latest version available) is the most intelligent development environment (IDE) for Java. 101 EUR /3 years and more - required to change the setting in the control after the Add to cart button.To renew an expired IntelliJ IDEA Personal license, please ask for a license renewal price, where you need to provide the data available on the JetBrains website: license id and licensee's email address. This is an IntelliJ IDEA active license renewal Personal (before the expiration date). The license allows you to extend it after one year or stay with the version of the license that was valid at the time of purchase of this subscription.

It includes a year of subscription to the software with its updates. The price applies to the update of the IntelliJ IDEA Personal license in the annual model. ReSharper C++,Rider)Įxtension or upgrade of an existing IntelliJ IDEA Personal license for single developers.